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Thank you so much for the opportunity to share with you the Richway BioMat. My name is Christina and I am the owner of BioMat Canada and The BioMat eStore.
My BioMat story began over 15 years ago when I was the main owner and operator of a health and wellness centre in Victoria, B.C. My colleague shared the BioMat with me during one of my massage therapy sessions. She spoke very highly of the BioMat and felt strongly I should incorporate it with my massage therapy and biofeedback services at the clinic. I liked what the BioMat had to offer and even though it was a big investment, I took a leap of faith, purchased the Professional BioMat and the BioPillow package and signed up as a distributor (even though I had no plans to sell them). Little did I know at the time, the impact the BioMat would have on my life.
At the time the BioMat came to me, I was completely stressed. My adrenals were extremely taxed and were giving me back pain I had never in all my years of being an elite level athlete, experienced before. I was financially stressed trying to manage the wellness centre on my own and for the first time ever felt depressed and simply worn out. I will never forget the first night on the BioMat. I brought it home and laid it out on the couch. I don't really know what happened next, but when I woke up hours later, I remember feeling the greatest state of relaxation and comfort I had ever experienced before. I could not drag myself away from this mat and for days I would lye on the BioMat and allow my body to rest and heal.
Soon after, many of my clients and colleagues in the health industry became quite interested in this one of a kind crystal mat. It wasn't long before clients and health professionals were investing in the BioMat for home and professional use and I achieved diamond level distributor status within a couple months. As they helped me, I helped many of them build their business too and we worked together to what has become today known as one of Richway's largest networks and leaders in the industry "BioMat Canada".
Today my colleagues and I enjoy many financial benefits Richway offers through their compensation plan. The BioMat business opportunity has personally allowed me to work from home and raise my children, it has afforded me the opportunity to travel all over the world for business and pleasure, and best of all the opportunity to meet the most wonderful people of all walks of life, who have connected with me because of the BioMat. The greatest part about working with the BioMat products, is hearing how much our BioMat customers are LOVING their BioMats and experiencing profound health benefits.
This website has been designed to educate our customers on the Richway BioMat and other natural health products that can be of benefit to your health. I have over 15 years personal and professional experience with the Biomat products and over 30 years experience in the health industry, I am happy to offer my knowledge and service to others and pay my good fortune forward.
I have spent many hours adding new programs and services so that everyone can be part of our ever growing BioMat Canada team. Please make sure to check out our affiliate program to earn some extra cash sharing our products or maybe the distributorship option is the right fit for you.
Please reach out if you have any questions at all. I hope we get a chance to meet over the phone, chat or in person someday. I look forward to connecting with you.
Thanks again for visiting!
Yours in health always,
Christina Van Aert
250 886-1863 Mobile/Text
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